Tag Archives: Travel Abroad

Mental Health

3 Dec

We all need a good break down every so often! But I’d prefer not to do it in a Korean tea shop bathroom 😂

Unloading Day!

24 Oct

Unloading the #bokchoy trucks at the restaurant! I’ve never seen so much bok choy in my life – it was packed when they started unloading. 😯 Bok choy is such a staple of their food culture, people will pay thousands of dollars for a life size jade bok choy statue for their family rooms.In America, we express bountiful harvests through cornucopias or wheat bushels. They show it with bok choy 😄

What’s your go to snack?

9 Oct

#Chinese c-store treats include corn on the cob and tea soaked duck eggs. 😃 It’s funny to me how concepts of what constitutes a ‘treat’ changes culture to culture.


Book Review: “A Cheap Ticket For Student Travel”

21 May

“A Cheap Ticket for Student Travel”

by Gary Chen

A small little guide for the average college student on saving while they travel.

Gary Chen’s new book, “A Cheap Ticket for Student Travel” is a great, yet short, read for college/low income students interested in traveling (especially traveling abroad).  At only 23 pages (in PDF form), you can read through it pretty quickly, but it offers some great insights into how you can travel even on a college student’s budget.  

He opens with a pretty strong argument for traveling while you’re young ~ time, energy, and lack of ties.  This is something I wish a lot more students would keep in mind; by the time you have jobs, families, and other demands on your time and attention, traveling becomes less and less of a likelihood.  Since traveling can significantly add to both your accomplishments and the broadening of your experience, taking that awesome trip now is a pretty good idea.

Most of his advice officially starts in Chapter two, where he begins with the important saving tool – Planning.  This carries through the next two chapters during which he discusses how  even little things like grouping nearby locations together can save money on costs.  Chapter 5 is where he really gets into precise methods of saving as opposed to more general recommendations.  He also has a really great form on pages 17-18 that helps you list out your expected expenses and likely total.  I think filling this out is a great way of reminding yourself precisely how much this might cost you and what you need to save. Throughout the book, he offers some great means of saving and I like the main message he communicates — traveling doesn’t have to ruin you financially!

Writing style: Some of the writing could use some editing and there were a few choppy areas, but overall I found it to be a quick and easy read.  A great addition to the ebook is the number of internal links Chen offers his readers–he frequently links to relevant and interesting articles relating to the subject of discussion.  Particularly helpful are the links to discount sites and saving tools; I might even use a few of these!

If you are interested or thinking about traveling, I recommend checking his book out.  You can find it on Smashwords as a FREE E-book (I like the free part, it matches his theme 🙂 )


New Job as a Teacher in China!

8 May

Hello one and all! I have a job  Woot!

Mom and I will both be teaching Business/Law courses at Sias International University the Henan Province of China. This program is a cooperative program with Fort Hays State University in Kansas. Basically we are teaching Fort Hays classes to the students in China. We will have 5-6 classes of 50-60 students each. Classes start Sept. 1; we’ll be leaving in mid-August. Here is a map of the biggest city (Zhengzhou) next to where we are moving this fall. If you zoom out, directly south you will see Xinzheng, our new hometown. We will be right next to the Longmen Grottos, Shaolin Temple (home of kung fu!), the Terra Cotta Soldiers, beautiful mountains, temples, etc. Zhengzhou also has cheap direct tickets to Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing! The school itself is pretty sweet–it has a beautiful campus, we will both get an apartment, we have 3 meals paid a day, good salary, three months off a year, awesome benefits, a great community, and what promises to be great students. So Exciting!