Tag Archives: Travel Humor

Mental Health

3 Dec

We all need a good break down every so often! But I’d prefer not to do it in a Korean tea shop bathroom 😂

The Friendly – Pervy #Metro (all in perspective)

4 Apr

😜😝 SUPER friendly train (or creepy – depends on how you view it).

I don’t think people would like it if I pet them, but maybe it’s a new social strategy – whatcha think???

The Friendly – Pervy #Metro (all in perspective)

31 Mar

😜😝 SUPER friendly train (or creepy – depends on how you view it).

I don’t think people would like it if I pet them, but maybe it’s a new social strategy – whatcha think???

#Crawfish Day!

4 Jan

​#Crawfish day at #KFC! 😜  There were about 7 employees rushing around with floating hats.  Totally made my day!

#Food Culture

30 Jun

😂  Nice that #America gets the knife, fork, spoon 🍴 on our art at the Zhengzhou #airport (To be fair – so did #Italy and #France).  None of this #chopstick thing for us! No sir!

btw – chopsticks + glass rice noodles = IMPOSSIBLE! 🍜

Put Down the Potatoes and No One Gets Hurt

4 Mar

Experienced Chinese hilarity today–Went out to a restaurant and had a Chinese friend translate the food beforehand. Got to the store and they said sure! and took my translation. All the food arrived perfectly, including the delicious caramel sweet potato dish. Suddenly the four business guys beside us call the waitress over, start pointing at our table and chattering. She leaves, comes back with a new plate of potatoes lacking the yummy caramel and takes the delicious ones away! 😛 Apparently, the translation was a bit confusing, and the business guys thought that we got the wrong plate. They were trying to help us, but ended up taking away the ones we wanted. :p My face was like “NOOOOOOOOO! Come Back my yummy potatoes! Return them on pain of death!” LOL, on the one hand sadness! On the other hand, how sweet that they cared enough to try to help us out 🙂 I love my life–so full of chaos and wonderfulness I can’t stand it sometimes! ❤


Only Abroad. . . “Fur Seal Capsules!”

12 Oct


Cactus Penguin!

8 Oct


Absolutely nothing can make your day better than a cactus penguin.  Nothing comes even close.